Error T-Joint Post-Processing Results

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Yogi Adi Wijaya, and I am an academic students from Bandung, Indonesia.
I have tried a simulation about T-joint plate test using Quasi-Static loading (using RADIOSS). But, the result in HyperView show that the structure is not broken as in experimental testing (similar with tensile test). How could this happen?
I need answers from all of you, and I hope that this problem could be solved. Thank you very much.
Yogi Adi Wijaya
Hi Yogi,
If you want to simulate the 'breaking effect' in this model please provide the rupture criteria in the material. That is, for example in /MAT/LAW2 we have Eps_max option, ie failure plastic strain. When the material reaches this strain value it will fail.
A similar tutorial is available in Help and is attached along.
Another option is to define failure property card (/FAIL/JOHNSON, FLD...etc). But the user should have the damage parameters. An example is available in Help menu and attaching the same deck file so that you can run and analyse the model.
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Hi Mr. Johnson.
Thank you very much, for your answer and some reference gives to me.
In this case, I am using the MAT 36 (PLAST_TAB). So, I must input the rupture criteria to simulate the 'breaking effect'? Or I just input the stress-strain curve from elestic zone until ultimate stress, added by strain rate?
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Yes,for rupture criteria provide the Eps_max value in the material card so that those elements will be deleted once this eps_max value is reached, thereby creating the breaking effect.
For /MAT/LAW36 stress-strain curve is required, but failure parameter should be provided along for rupture effect.
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You can input the Eps_p_max for failure. Once the plastic strain reaches this value the element is deleted.
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Okay, thanks for your answer Mr. Johnson
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