Deep learning extension : Error with Conv layer(s)

New Altair Community Member
Dear all,
I try to perform "time series classification" using the Deep learning extension and I builded a neural network using
convolutional layer(s).
To describe the project :
- I have a collection of around 1200 TimeSeries each including 2 signals of several seconds. Each Time Serie is associated to a label.
There are 6 labels and the collection of datasets is balanced, thus there are around 200 TimeSeries per label.
- I used the TimeSeries to Tensor and the Deep Learning (Tensor) operators
- Inside the Deep Learning(Tensor) operator I'm using convolutional layer(s).
When I execute the process, RapidMiner is raising the following error :
Is there an error in my process ? How to fix this error. ?
In attached file(s), you can find :
- the process
- The folder of the collection of files (Time Series)
in order to reproduce the error.
Thank you for your answer(s),
I try to perform "time series classification" using the Deep learning extension and I builded a neural network using
convolutional layer(s).
To describe the project :
- I have a collection of around 1200 TimeSeries each including 2 signals of several seconds. Each Time Serie is associated to a label.
There are 6 labels and the collection of datasets is balanced, thus there are around 200 TimeSeries per label.
- I used the TimeSeries to Tensor and the Deep Learning (Tensor) operators
- Inside the Deep Learning(Tensor) operator I'm using convolutional layer(s).
When I execute the process, RapidMiner is raising the following error :
- Message: Invalid input for Convolution layer (layer name="ConvolutionalLayer"): Expected CNN input, got InputTypeRecurrent(3,timeSeriesLength=278,format=NCW)
Is there an error in my process ? How to fix this error. ?
In attached file(s), you can find :
- the process
- The folder of the collection of files (Time Series)
in order to reproduce the error.
Thank you for your answer(s),