License Error on VirtualBox
Evgeny Zakutin
Altair Community Member
Hello everybody,
The following things state the problem:
- there is a Windows 10 VirtualBox machine installed on the linux host system (Kubuntu 18.04);
- The connection with the license server is established over university VPN (OpenVPN);
- We don't have any local license files in security folder, the licenses are called directly from the server;
- Local environments are added in Windows virtual machine (ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH);
- Altair License Utility (almutil) shows the connection to the server and sees all available license;
- The server pings;
- Everything works on the physical Windows 10 machine;
- On the virtual machine FEKO and HyperMesh cannot be run and show error message (indicated below);
- Tried to disable the firewall on VM, doesn't help;
- Tried to use NAT and Bridged network adapters, as well as the same MAC addresses, also doesn't help.
SECFEKO Version 2017.2-26 from 2017-05-26 (compiled for target PC_WIN64_EM64T_MKL, 64 bit) ERROR 9161: An error occurred while checking out a licence Altair License Manager: License error Feature(s): GlobalZoneAM, HyperWorks, HWFEKOGUI Error Code: 9 Error Description: [NETWORK] 6200@ - (Err: 9) Feature not found Feature: FEKOGUI Error Code: 9 Error Description: [LOCAL] C:\Program Files\Altair\2017\security\altair_lic.dat - (Err: 6) Unable to read file [NETWORK] 6200@ - (Err: 9) Feature not found License Path: 6200@;C:\Program Files\Altair\2017\security\altair_lic.dat
Is there any way to run the software on the virtual machine?
Any help appreciated!
I don't use Virtualbox, so I can not tell more about this software.
But with VMWare, Hypermesh works no problem in Windows VM. I tested it!
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The system time on the virtual machine was wrong. The problem is solved.