how to conduct stability analysis for varying velocities

I am conducting Eigen Value Analysis using the stability analysis task from the task wizard. I want to now conduct it for a speed which is increasing at a constant rate, and I want to take the eigen value from that. Which analysis should I choose as the stability analysis does not have input for increasing/decreasing speed?
I have attached a snap of the type of graph I want to plot for reference
Can anyone help me out
Add multiple stability events with increasing velocities. Right click on any one of the event and use 'Run All' option to run all the events. Once the simulations are complete, you can process them to plot this curve.
Other option is to use HyperStudy for this study
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oh, that's great I'll be trying it out. Thanks Again for your constant support.
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are there any tutorials or guide files that I can refer to. I have the Eigen values generated for different speeds. But how exactly to process it to get the graph I want; I don't know how to do that yet.