Build RapidMiner Studio Core from Source

DeltaTexas New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

I am a newbie and I am looking for step by step detailed instructions on how to build RMS Core from Source. 

Yes, I have read the info from the git site, and yes, I have search and read similar postings in this forum.

I am stuck.

I clone the code from git, and I created the file in the correct directory as indicated.
Running ./gradlew jar gives me an error error: cannot find symbol
                System.setProperty(PlatformUtilities.PROPERTY_RAPIDMINER_HOME, Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath().toString());

I am guessing that a path needs to be defined, so it finds something.

Has anybody else being able to document a more step by step process.

Any comment or help is appreciated...
