Loan Application Tutorial

Letterkenny New Altair Community Member
edited November 5 in Community Q&A
Hi, I am completely new to RapidMiner and am looking for a tutorial or example (complete with sample dataset) of using Rapid for good/bad loan predictor i.e. proability of someone repaying or not repaying a loan i.e. good or bad loan prospect/application.

I would like to use tutorial/example to demonstrate to IT colleagues how RapidMiner can help predict good/bad loans and hope that they get excited about the art of the possible and enthusiastic about this exciting topic.  Additional I would like to use this as an opportunity to learn about RapidMiner being I am also a novice.

Can someone point me in the direction of a good demo/tutorial complete with sample dataset geared towards loan applications that I can just pick up and use as a demo to educate my colleages.

I am sure I will ask lots of stupid questions on this journey of discovery so please do be patient with me, all I can say is I am looking forward to this challenge and I thank everyone on this forum that is also prepared to journey with me.

As I post this request to the message board I am already excited and looking forward to reading your patiently (or sometimes impatiently) crafted responses and as I find myself asking; how hard can this be?  Well, I think I'm about to find out as I take a deep breath and hit the send button


  • hbajpai
    hbajpai New Altair Community Member
    Hey @LetterKenny

    Welcome to RapidMiner Community! You should check out Rapidminer Academy to explore the tool and all its bell and whistles. I couldn't find a load predictor template or webinar. However, you can check out the Churn Modelling template which is a similar use case and can help you to get started. 

    You can open Churn modeling through Welcome to RapidMiner Studio dialog box. 

    Let me know if you any more questions.