How can I tackle the problem of naming examplesets?

New Altair Community Member
So I have a bunch of examplesets generated in a loop and I would like to organize them in the results tab by naming each one. They all just come out as generic ExampleSets inside IObjectCollection objects. Is there a way to organize the results tab in another way or at least name each exampleset of a collection?
@pblack476 ooh that's a good one. If it was not a loop it would be easy - just rename the OPERATOR as that's where the results tab name comes from:
Hmm let me ponder a clever way to do this in a loop...
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I usually do this as well. I also rename the first column of my dataset to have an easy to see "tag" on it. And That is the route I am taking so far. Renaming the first column with a macro tag that acts as an unique, useful identifier.But since there seems to be no real way of doing this I'll leave this here as a feature request.What are you supposed to do if your process generates hundreds or thousands of examplesets? Usually such a process is not very useful but it appears from time to time while building a larger and more efficient process.
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@pblack476 I think the short answer at the moment is that if you're building that many ExampleSets in production, we recommend writing them into a database as tables. The results view was never designed to have hundreds of tabs (or hundreds of objects in a collection). You can name each table by the %{entry_name} macro and then go from there. You can write this in SQL directly, or use the In-Database Processing extension for a more drag-and-drop solution. A database of tables is exactly the same thing as a collection of ExampleSets.
The reason I say "at the moment" is that Engineering is completely rebuilding the repo structure and will release it soon. If you want to get a sneak peek, schedule a meeting with our UI/UX designer here:
I'll file it as a feature request if you want, but again as I know the entire repo structure is being rebuilt from the ground-up, it's highly unlikely that it will be addressed. But I will ponder more...sometimes there are sneaky workarounds.