ID3 algorithm in rapidminer
New Altair Community Member
hi everyone , i am performing id3 algorithm on my 15 attributes but when ide tree is generated it consist of only 8 attributes what should i do know ? why this happen . .i am using cross validation
id3 algorithm didn't select the 7 attribute in tree .
am waiting for your help
id3 algorithm didn't select the 7 attribute in tree .
am waiting for your help
That is actually quite normal that not all attributes are used. The whole point of a decision tree is to figure out which are the most helpful features and in which order. Sometimes not all are needed for a classifier and sometimes adding more may even make the model generalize less well.Hope this helps,
Ingo2 -
okay are can i use those attribute that are discarded by algrithm in my final result ?
because some attribute seem important in my result but discarded by decison tree
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Sorry, can you please rephrase a bit? Not sure if I got you here. What other result are you referring to?Cheers,
Ingo1 -
My query is: can i use those attritube that are not selected by tree in my final result discussion .
Becaz some attritube are important for my final result but algorithm discard them .waiting for your help and response
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Can i use those attribute that are discarded by algrithm in my final result ?I don't think it is possible to add attributes into an id3 based decision tree.
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My query is: can i use those attritube that are not selected by tree in my final result discussion .
Becaz some attritube are important for my final result but algorithm discard them .waiting for your help and response
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Can i make different id3 algorithm for same data using different attritubes that are important for us ..1
That is quite ordinary that not all characteristics are utilized. The general purpose of a choice tree is to make sense of which are the most supportive highlights and in which request. Here and there not all are required for a classifier and once in a while including more may even make the model sum up less well.
Burger king survey
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Thankyou guys for your help ..😊1