Gradient Boosted Trees - Confusion matrix
New Altair Community Member
I am running a Gradient Based Trees model. I am getting the attached confusion table which seems 'incorrect' or inverted in terms of positioning of the scores. The ROC curve also is unusual in that it is slopping downwards left to right.
The model is looking at clinical tests by patient admitted to ICU - the original test data had each test labelled 1 - Died or 2 - survived. I have converted this to binomial hence the True-True, True-False categories on the confusion matrix.
Given that the focus should be to highlight those patients who died rather than survived I am concerned that I have omitted some parameter or block that is that is distorting the table.
Copy of model and confusion table below.
Thank you.
The model is looking at clinical tests by patient admitted to ICU - the original test data had each test labelled 1 - Died or 2 - survived. I have converted this to binomial hence the True-True, True-False categories on the confusion matrix.
Given that the focus should be to highlight those patients who died rather than survived I am concerned that I have omitted some parameter or block that is that is distorting the table.
Copy of model and confusion table below.
Thank you.
Best Answers
you can use the operator Remap Binominals to set the negative and positive class.
Balázs1 -
Hi @DanDunne ,did you try to set the positive class manually? It is a setting of Performance (Binominal)Cheers,Martin
you can use the operator Remap Binominals to set the negative and positive class.
Balázs1 -
Hi @DanDunne ,did you try to set the positive class manually? It is a setting of Performance (Binominal)Cheers,Martin