How can I use Auto-model generated Model for test scoring?

hhaider5 New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Can anybody please give me an example.


Best Answers

  • varunm1
    varunm1 New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓
    Hello @hhaider5

    Sorry for the delayed response as I am occupied with some other tasks. In the below figure you can observe, a naive bayes model process after automodel execution. I attached a store operator after the model and provided a repository location to store it. Once it is stored in the location after running the process, you can open new process and drag and drop it to apply on other data.

    Hope this helps



  • varunm1
    varunm1 New Altair Community Member
    Hi @hhaider5

    You can open the automodel process once execution is done and observe the process. From there you can store the trained model as well using store operator. Hoe to open process after automodel is given below.

    Inform here if you need more info.
  • hhaider5
    hhaider5 New Altair Community Member
    Hey there @varunm1
         I want to know how can I store the trained model using store operator?
        Can you give me a video tutorial or anything?
    It would be really helpful.
    I actually want to use the trained model to predict survival in the Titanic set?
    How can I do it?
        I would really appreciate your help.
  • hhaider5
    hhaider5 New Altair Community Member
    Got it.
    It was easy. :)
  • varunm1
    varunm1 New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓
    Hello @hhaider5

    Sorry for the delayed response as I am occupied with some other tasks. In the below figure you can observe, a naive bayes model process after automodel execution. I attached a store operator after the model and provided a repository location to store it. Once it is stored in the location after running the process, you can open new process and drag and drop it to apply on other data.

    Hope this helps

  • hhaider5
    hhaider5 New Altair Community Member
    Hey there @varunm1
       Yeah: I got it. Tyvm :)
       I want to know how can I increase the accuracy of my model? For although the auto-model shows the accuracy of the model to be 83%, I only got 77% in the competition.
    What could be the reason for this discrepancy?

  • varunm1
    varunm1 New Altair Community Member
    Hello @hhaider5

    If you closely observe the auto model, it is splitting the data into 60:40 train : test data. There is some chance that the data might be randomly good during testing and give better results, to mitigate this the auto model have multiple hold out sets that are tested as well. 

    I have a question, are you testing on data that is completely different from the Titanic data present in RapidMiner or a part of it?
  • hhaider5
    hhaider5 New Altair Community Member
    Hey there @varunm1
        Let me give you the link to the competition. This may help you understand my Q.


    navigate to the "data" section, please.