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Hi,i would recommend to use the operator Polynominal by Binominal Classification for this.Best,Martin0
There are two options, you can either classify with a variant of SVM operator called LibSVM (you can find in operators) that can handle multiple classes or use a polynomial to the binomial operator that divides classes and do one on all classification.
You can take a look at the operators and in help, you can find a tutorial which shows how you can apply these operators.
Thanks0 -
Don't go crazy seeing bad results. First, we should understand how machine learning works. You don't get good results with every model or algorithm. A model is as good as its data. SVM is doing bad because this data set might not be the type SVM can deal with, or the features might not be suitable for SVM. GBT does better because it is a sophisticated sequential learning algorithm. This means that it builds trees one after the other and learns from the mistakes in a prior tree and improves itself. You try playing with SVM parameters in case they might change your performance, but you should have a good idea on how the parameters in SVM work. Your dataset is highly imbalanced which makes it difficult for many models to predict, also for this kind of imbalanced dataset accuracy is a bad parameter to consider. My suggestion, use kappa as your performance metric rather than accuracy. To understand more about kappa try searching google or see my explanation in some other thread related to @mbs . Finally, don't expect all the models to do well on your data. I made some minor changes in your model.2
SVM(libSVM) does work on polynomial labels0
plz explain it more
Thank you0 -
Hi,i would recommend to use the operator Polynominal by Binominal Classification for this.Best,Martin0
Thank you every body.
I will try all of your suggestions.0 -
There are two options, you can either classify with a variant of SVM operator called LibSVM (you can find in operators) that can handle multiple classes or use a polynomial to the binomial operator that divides classes and do one on all classification.
You can take a look at the operators and in help, you can find a tutorial which shows how you can apply these operators.
Thanks0 -
Hi Martin-
I found myself in a similar situation and, as you suggested, I used the Nominal to Binominal operator. I still get an error, though, "Insufficient capability... SVM does not have sufficient capabilities for the given data set: binominal attributes not supported".
Any thots (process and data attached, if helpful)?
Noel0 -
Hi @ Noel
If you click on the yellow triangle it can help you1 -
this is the solution with your excel
2 -
And this is one example with your data
2 -
sorry because of delay. please look at the XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><process version="9.2.001"><context><input/><output/><macros/></context><operator activated="true" class="process" compatibility="9.2.001" expanded="true" name="Process"><parameter key="logverbosity" value="init"/><parameter key="random_seed" value="2001"/><parameter key="send_mail" value="never"/><parameter key="notification_email" value=""/><parameter key="process_duration_for_mail" value="30"/><parameter key="encoding" value="SYSTEM"/><process expanded="true"><operator activated="true" class="read_excel" compatibility="9.2.001" expanded="true" height="68" name="Read Excel" width="90" x="45" y="34"><parameter key="excel_file" value="C:\Users\asus\Desktop\123\source_data_TFEM_cdx_gbt_base_moves.xlsx"/><parameter key="sheet_selection" value="sheet number"/><parameter key="sheet_number" value="1"/><parameter key="imported_cell_range" value="A1"/><parameter key="encoding" value="SYSTEM"/><parameter key="first_row_as_names" value="true"/><list key="annotations"/><parameter key="date_format" value=""/><parameter key="time_zone" value="SYSTEM"/><parameter key="locale" value="English (United States)"/><parameter key="read_all_values_as_polynominal" value="false"/><list key="data_set_meta_data_information"><parameter key="0" value="anch_dt.true.date_time.attribute"/><parameter key="1" value="cmbx6_bb_sprd.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="2" value="cmbx_bbb_sprd.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="3" value="all_loans_stm.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="4" value="bb_loans_stm.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="5" value="b_loans_stm.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="6" value="ccc_loans_stm.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="7" value="ccc_bonds_stw.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="8" value="b_bonds_stw.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="9" value="bb_bonds_stw.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="10" value="hy_bonds_stw.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="11" value="bbb_bonds_stw.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="12" value="clo_bbb_dm.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="13" value="clo_bb_dm.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="14" value="clo_b_dm.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="15" value="cdx_hy_sprd.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="16" value="dod_chg.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="17" value="five_day_chg.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="18" value="wider_ten_over5.true.polynominal.attribute"/><parameter key="19" value="wider_twenty_over5.true.polynominal.attribute"/><parameter key="20" value="wider_thirty_over5.true.polynominal.attribute"/><parameter key="21" value="tighter_ten_over5.true.polynominal.attribute"/><parameter key="22" value="tighter_twenty_over5.true.polynominal.attribute"/><parameter key="23" value="tighter_thirty_over5.true.polynominal.attribute"/><parameter key="24" value="move_ten_over5.true.polynominal.attribute"/><parameter key="25" value="move_twenty_over5.true.polynominal.attribute"/><parameter key="26" value="move_thirty_over5.true.polynominal.attribute"/><parameter key="27" value="spy_px.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="28" value="jnk_px.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="29" value="ndq_px.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="30" value="hyg_px.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="31" value="bkln_px.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="32" value="spx_px.true.real.attribute"/><parameter key="33" value="oneq_px.true.real.attribute"/></list><parameter key="read_not_matching_values_as_missings" value="false"/><parameter key="datamanagement" value="double_array"/><parameter key="data_management" value="auto"/></operator><operator activated="true" class="set_role" compatibility="9.2.001" expanded="true" height="82" name="Set Role" width="90" x="179" y="34"><parameter key="attribute_name" value="oneq_px"/><parameter key="target_role" value="label"/><list key="set_additional_roles"/></operator><operator activated="true" class="split_data" compatibility="9.2.001" expanded="true" height="82" name="Split Data" width="90" x="313" y="34"><enumeration key="partitions"><parameter key="ratio" value="0.7"/><parameter key="ratio" value="0.3"/></enumeration><parameter key="sampling_type" value="automatic"/><parameter key="use_local_random_seed" value="false"/><parameter key="local_random_seed" value="1992"/></operator><operator activated="true" class="nominal_to_numerical" compatibility="9.2.001" expanded="true" height="103" name="Nominal to Numerical" width="90" x="447" y="34"><parameter key="return_preprocessing_model" value="false"/><parameter key="create_view" value="false"/><parameter key="attribute_filter_type" value="all"/><parameter key="attribute" value=""/><parameter key="attributes" value=""/><parameter key="use_except_expression" value="false"/><parameter key="value_type" value="nominal"/><parameter key="use_value_type_exception" value="false"/><parameter key="except_value_type" value="file_path"/><parameter key="block_type" value="single_value"/><parameter key="use_block_type_exception" value="false"/><parameter key="except_block_type" value="single_value"/><parameter key="invert_selection" value="false"/><parameter key="include_special_attributes" value="false"/><parameter key="coding_type" value="dummy coding"/><parameter key="use_comparison_groups" value="false"/><list key="comparison_groups"/><parameter key="unexpected_value_handling" value="all 0 and warning"/><parameter key="use_underscore_in_name" value="false"/></operator><operator activated="true" class="set_role" compatibility="9.2.001" expanded="true" height="82" name="Set Role (2)" width="90" x="581" y="34"><parameter key="attribute_name" value="bbb_bonds_stw"/><parameter key="target_role" value="label"/><list key="set_additional_roles"/></operator><operator activated="true" class="discretize_by_size" compatibility="9.2.001" expanded="true" height="103" name="Discretize" width="90" x="715" y="34"><parameter key="return_preprocessing_model" value="false"/><parameter key="create_view" value="false"/><parameter key="attribute_filter_type" value="regular_expression"/><parameter key="attribute" value=""/><parameter key="attributes" value=""/><parameter key="regular_expression" value="bbb_bonds_stw"/><parameter key="use_except_expression" value="false"/><parameter key="value_type" value="numeric"/><parameter key="use_value_type_exception" value="false"/><parameter key="except_value_type" value="real"/><parameter key="block_type" value="value_series"/><parameter key="use_block_type_exception" value="false"/><parameter key="except_block_type" value="value_series_end"/><parameter key="invert_selection" value="false"/><parameter key="include_special_attributes" value="true"/><parameter key="size_of_bins" value="10"/><parameter key="sorting_direction" value="decreasing"/><parameter key="range_name_type" value="long"/><parameter key="automatic_number_of_digits" value="true"/><parameter key="number_of_digits" value="-1"/></operator><operator activated="true" class="support_vector_machine_libsvm" compatibility="9.2.001" expanded="true" height="82" name="SVM" width="90" x="849" y="34"><parameter key="svm_type" value="C-SVC"/><parameter key="kernel_type" value="rbf"/><parameter key="degree" value="3"/><parameter key="gamma" value="0.0"/><parameter key="coef0" value="0.0"/><parameter key="C" value="0.0"/><parameter key="nu" value="0.5"/><parameter key="cache_size" value="80"/><parameter key="epsilon" value="0.001"/><parameter key="p" value="0.1"/><list key="class_weights"/><parameter key="shrinking" value="true"/><parameter key="calculate_confidences" value="false"/><parameter key="confidence_for_multiclass" value="true"/></operator><operator activated="true" class="performance_support_vector_count" compatibility="9.2.001" expanded="true" height="82" name="Performance" width="90" x="983" y="34"><parameter key="optimization_direction" value="minimization"/></operator><connect from_port="input 1" to_op="Read Excel" to_port="file"/><connect from_op="Read Excel" from_port="output" to_op="Set Role" to_port="example set input"/><connect from_op="Set Role" from_port="example set output" to_op="Split Data" to_port="example set"/><connect from_op="Split Data" from_port="partition 1" to_op="Nominal to Numerical" to_port="example set input"/><connect from_op="Nominal to Numerical" from_port="example set output" to_op="Set Role (2)" to_port="example set input"/><connect from_op="Set Role (2)" from_port="example set output" to_op="Discretize" to_port="example set input"/><connect from_op="Discretize" from_port="example set output" to_op="SVM" to_port="training set"/><connect from_op="SVM" from_port="model" to_op="Performance" to_port="model"/><connect from_op="Performance" from_port="model" to_port="result 1"/><portSpacing port="source_input 1" spacing="0"/><portSpacing port="source_input 2" spacing="0"/><portSpacing port="sink_result 1" spacing="0"/><portSpacing port="sink_result 2" spacing="0"/></process></operator></process>1 -
varunm1, @mschmitz -
Hi- I seem to be caught in a bind here. I literally have a binary classification problem i.e. TRUE or FALSE. SVM (LibSVM) and the standard core version can't handle nominal attributes. When I convert to numeric, however, the SVM models will run, but I can't find a performance operator that will give me a standard confusion matrix (I'm most interested in precision). The vanilla Performance operator seems to only give me RMSE and squared error. The Binominal Classification and Classification performance operators only take nominal input. It seems as if the Support Vector Count performance operator only give you very specific feedback, however.
Any suggestions?
Noel0 -
Hi @Noel
If you have a label column with only two classes (True or False), you can change the column type by right-clicking near the dataset and selecting Edit. Now you can see your data editor where you can right click on the attribute and click modify attribute. Once you get the options in attribute type select Binomial the click ok and click on the save Icon of the data editor. Once you are done saving, now drag and drop the dataset again into your process.
You can use performance (Binomial Classification) to get the required perfromances. See highlighted parts in below image and follow my instructions above.
If you don't want to do this, you can also use Performance (Classification) operator that gives you accuracy, weighted mean recall, and precisions. You can see the confusion matrix as well.
Hope this helps.1 -
Hi @varunm1 I appreciate your help, but I'm still I'm clearly doing something wrong (I've attached the process and input data).
When I run the data with GBT, I get reasonable results (top in screen cap below). When I run with SVM, I'm getting a head-scratcher result:
0 -
I have the same problem and Im not able to calculate accuracy for my data. with svm
but according to your suggestion Im still working on my thesis and when I show the result to my professor he accepted the result and I explained kappa for him1 -
Don't go crazy seeing bad results. First, we should understand how machine learning works. You don't get good results with every model or algorithm. A model is as good as its data. SVM is doing bad because this data set might not be the type SVM can deal with, or the features might not be suitable for SVM. GBT does better because it is a sophisticated sequential learning algorithm. This means that it builds trees one after the other and learns from the mistakes in a prior tree and improves itself. You try playing with SVM parameters in case they might change your performance, but you should have a good idea on how the parameters in SVM work. Your dataset is highly imbalanced which makes it difficult for many models to predict, also for this kind of imbalanced dataset accuracy is a bad parameter to consider. My suggestion, use kappa as your performance metric rather than accuracy. To understand more about kappa try searching google or see my explanation in some other thread related to @mbs . Finally, don't expect all the models to do well on your data. I made some minor changes in your model.2
Reason 3: A kappa value can be between -1 to 1. A positive kappa value between 0 and 1 with higher the better. A negative kappa value between -1 and 0 represent your algorithm is predicting exactly opposite classes for data. For example, if you have 20 samples with 10 labeled as male and 10 labeled as female. A kappa value of zero means, your algorithm is predicting all 20 samples as either male or female. A negative kappa value means, your algorithms are predicting opposite classes, this means male samples are predicted as female and female samples are predicted as male. A positive kappa value means it is trying to predict correct classes for the given samples. Higher kappa means better predictions.
varunm1 about kappa.0