Dictionary Based Sentiment Dictionaries
Altair Employee
Hey guys,
I am currently working on a new operator for Operator Toolbox. As you propably know we got an operator called "Dictionary Based Sentiment Analysis", which can use a list of words and associated scores to build a sentiment model.
As of now, you needed to provide your own dictionary to do this. I just wrote an operator which is providing these models right out of the box. I am currently added SentiNet.
Are there other dictionaries you would like to have in there? If yes, please post
Best Answers
I've heard requests for Stanford, maybe ask Mr. Skinner at Intel
From KD Nuggets....Various popular lexicons are used for sentiment analysis, including the following.
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I would vote for VADER which is another popular one.2
I've heard requests for Stanford, maybe ask Mr. Skinner at Intel
From KD Nuggets....Various popular lexicons are used for sentiment analysis, including the following.
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I would vote for VADER which is another popular one.2