How can I set a maximum Load on a connection?

Matthias_20967 New Altair Community Member
edited February 2022 in Community Q&A

In my topology in HyperMesh I got one force introduction zone and two connection points to an other part where I constrained it. The topology only use one of those two connection. How can I divide the topology that it trys to reach both of them? The connections are RBE3 elements. Is there a feature where i can say that every RBE3 element only accept 2kN?

Tank you for your answers.


  • Adriano A. Koga
    Adriano A. Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2022

    Are you familiar to connectors? There is a connector named 'sealing' which connects 2 parts using RBE3-CBUSH-RBE3.

    Having this CBUSH or any other 1d element in betwwen your parts, you would be able to create an optimization response for 'elemental force'. Once you have requested this response, you could easily limit the maximum force going through this element and enforce a design constraint for each element to be within a certain force range.

    Does it make sense?

    I've mentioned the sealing connector, but in fact, any 1D element would be enough. I believe RBEs are not supported for this load control, but i'm not 100% sure.