Mandatory input in Extract Entities operator

myRM404414 New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
I tried the process made by "Search Twitter" + "Analyze Sentiment" + "Extract Entities" and got new colums in the dataset as result. I can't understand why the operator "Extraxt Entites" shows "Potential problem detected" saying that mandatory input is missing: the input is present (the data coming from Twitter) adn I have a table as the result of the analysis. Thanks.

Best Answer

  • Telcontar120
    Telcontar120 New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓
    Sometimes the potential problems are just that---they are only potential! 
    In this case it seems the reason is that the process cannot confirm via the metadata that the required input is actually going to be present for the later operator because it is generated via a Twitter search, so the number of records that will be returned is not necessarily greater than zero depending on your search query, in which case the later operators will fail.  But if you are getting your results as expected, then you don't need to worry about the potential problem and can simply ignore it.


  • Telcontar120
    Telcontar120 New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓
    Sometimes the potential problems are just that---they are only potential! 
    In this case it seems the reason is that the process cannot confirm via the metadata that the required input is actually going to be present for the later operator because it is generated via a Twitter search, so the number of records that will be returned is not necessarily greater than zero depending on your search query, in which case the later operators will fail.  But if you are getting your results as expected, then you don't need to worry about the potential problem and can simply ignore it.

  • myRM404414
    myRM404414 New Altair Community Member
    Hello Brian. Thanks.
    Yes, I valued the word "potential" as the possible real solution. Just I expected that at a certain point the exclamation mark would have gone away because the system had got the input was actually there. I'm new at RM so I also thought the problem was the sequence, the operator "Exctrat Entities" after the operator "Analyze sentiment": if I connect "Extract Entities" directly to "Search Twitter" there are no exclamation marks, even if the source is again Twitter. So I'm not sure that sequence is correct, though I obtained a result. :)

  • myRM404414
    myRM404414 New Altair Community Member
    This should be another "partially", because... well, it's my comment up there. I say yes anyway. ;)