"No input attribute to choose when performing sentiment analysis"

I have a problem regarding the AYLIEN sentiment analysis.
My process looks as follows:
1. Read Excel file.
2. Nominal to Text.
3. Data to Documents.
4. Process Documents (including tokenize, filter stopwords and transform cases).
5. Analyze Sentiment.
My problem is that i can't choose an input attribute from the dropdown, since the list is blank. If I just load the imported Excel file and attach the sentiment analysis directly to this step it works - but in that way I'm not able to perform the nessecary preprocessing.
hi @casper_larsen92 yes this is not unusual. The problem is that the metadata from Read Excel does not necessarily propagate down your workflow esp with some operators that do not handle metadata properly (like Aylien). The workaround is just to manually type the attribute name in the blank box at the top of the dropdown.
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one additional note: most likely you won't need to preprocess your data like this before. Aylien is doing it for you.