visualisation: multiple rows in one chart

mindenegyeb New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

I have 3 columns:

- item_id (4000 items)

- location (5 distinct locations alltogether)

- date (35 distinct dates alltogether)

I would like to draw a chart with

- x axis: date

- y axis location 

and put the location and date for every single item in one chart and it should be a line chart for each item. Therefore I can see in the chart how the locations changed over time for a lot of items.

If there is a limit in the number of items, that is fine, I tried with custom charts but did not succeed.

Thanks for your help.





  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    hello @mindenegyeb welcome to the community. Can you please post your data set so we can see how it is structured?
