Create themes from a document

Hello all,
I have collected some comments from a feedback I received, I put them in a doc, and now I would like to extract some themes or topics from these comments. To categorise the comments in a way into different themes accoriding to the frequency of the words maybe? Is this sth that can be easily done?
Many thanks,
have a look at the Extract Topics from Documents (LDA) operator which is part of operator toolbox. this should do it.
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Hi Martin,
Thank you for your reply, I can find the Linear Discriminant Analysis operator, but I cannot find the Extract topics, could you please give me more guidance?
Thank you very much and I am sorry I am not yet knowledgable of Rapid Miner.
Best, Dimitris
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Hi @dparaskevop,
To use the operator Extract Topics from Document (LDA), you have to install first the last version
of Operator Toolbox extension from the Marketplace.
NB : In this case, LDA means Latent Dirichlet Allocation (and not Linear Discriminent Analysis).
I hope it helps,
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Thank you very much, I found it.
I am sorry to bombard you with questions, now how can I feed the word document I have into the Extract Topics from Document (LDA)?
Many thanks,
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Hi Martin,
Could you please send me a link and I will do.
Best, Dimitris
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@dparaskevop I think the community search function works well.
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just click on the Operator and press f1. The tutorial processes are under "Description".