Requesting Output of each ply (Abaqus solver)

cluue Altair Community Member
edited November 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello there,

I setup a shell composite layup using HyperMesh to solve it via Abaqus. I need to analyse the output of each ply. I was told that I can do that by putting the following commands into my input file: 


So that (i used 3 integration points per ply) I do get the results for each ply individually, regarding to the Abaqus documentation (


So i do have 7 plies, whith 3 integration points each. 

What I am currently wondering about is how to get that information printed to my .dat file. 

I used the following commands: 


The output now looks like that: 


I expected 21 outputs per element. I am using S4 Shell elements so i feel like PT 1...4 means it does that for each individual integration point of my element but why only for 4 sections points each?  


I kinda feel like I got mixed up with integration and section points here. 

I tried to visualize my problem roughly to make clear what infos I try to generate. So I wanna print out the results for the black crosses with the red circles. Whatever I am generating right now 



Thanks a lot for any 



  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited November 2020

    Firstly, your question has nothing to see with Altair Hyperworks!

    Secondly, why not define a element set for each ply and request element output by using element sets?