Trouble removing symbols from text

ahootanha New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi, I want to delete the symbols, links and hashtags from the text
I wrote this to the filter tokens by content operator but did not answer
[-! "# $% & '() * +,. /:; <=>? @ \ [\\\] _` {|} ~]
Please guide


  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    hello @ahootanha some quick recommendations for you:
    • Post your XML process here in this thread (see and "Read Before Posting" on right when you reply)
    • Attach your dataset if possible (use a fictionalized version if there are privacy concerns)
    • Make sure you have all necessary extensions installed (see


    Scott Genzer
    Senior Community Manager
    RapidMiner, Inc.
  • ahootanha
    ahootanha New Altair Community Member
    You are right
    Believe me I saw your links.
    I searched a lot.
    I did not notice and I had to post.
    Please rate this time.
    I will be grateful
  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    Hello @ahootanha so perhaps you misunderstood. I am sure you searched and did not find an answer. But PLEASE post your process and your dataset. This is the part that makes it much easier for us to help.




  • ahootanha
    ahootanha New Altair Community Member

    Thank you for your attention
    I get data with the search twitter operator. And I want to remove the symbols from tweets in the preprocessing stage.
    Please guide. How do I perform preprocessing for the analysis of emotions in RapidMiner? Thanks & Regards

  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    hello @ahootanha I hear your question and I am able and willing to help. But if you don't (a) post your process, and (b) post your dataset, I cannot. I'm not sure how many different ways I can explain the same thing...




  • ahootanha
    ahootanha New Altair Community Member
    Hi, I want to remove the symbols like @, #,%, $ from the text of the Twitter tweets. But I do not know how to write a regular expression in the unconnected operator.
    Thanks for helping me write a regular expression
  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    so there are good RegEx editors built into some operators, e.g. the Replace operator. There you can find some pre-made RegEx expressions such as the one you wish to use:


    Screen Shot 2018-03-29 at 9.11.07 AM.png


    Screen Shot 2018-03-29 at 9.11.25 AM.png



  • ahootanha
    ahootanha New Altair Community Member

    thanks for your kindness
    How do I remove links(URL) in tweets as well as emoticons?


    how in the word, for example
    Remove the prepositions of the hello word and also for other words.
    Please tell me
    Very necessary
    Thanks to your good forum

  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    hello @ahootanha Some quick recommendations for you:
    • Post your XML process here in this thread (see and "Read Before Posting" on right when you reply)
    • Attach your dataset if possible (use a fictionalized version if there are privacy concerns)
    • Make sure you have all necessary extensions installed (see


  • ahootanha
    ahootanha New Altair Community Member

    Hi, thank you very much for being grateful. And guide me
    Yes, I know this

      But I could not find the answer to my question ...
    I'd like to tell you how to remove links(URL) in tweets