Problem with special preprocessing of texts

gham New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi, is there any possibility of preprocessing in the RapidMiner? How?

Removing links/URL and Hash tags Tweet may

contain URL, hash tags and words start with ‘@’
character. We removed these entities since found no
significance in our scoring approach.

Replacing word with contractions Contractions such as
‘didn’t’, ‘ain’t’ ‘couldn’t’ are common in tweets.

Elongation replacer People often use elongation like
‘loooooooove’ to emphasise words. Elongation can be
at the beginning (‘ooooooh’), end (‘toooooo’) or in
between (‘loooove’)
example ooooooooh what a coooooool breeze => ooh what a cool breeze

WordNet Lemmatizing Wordnet lemmatizer is used to
get a valid meaningful root word. Each word (except
slang/abbreviation) is lemmatized after tokenizing.

Explicit negation handling We used an antonym
replacer using WordNet to replace word preceded by
‘not,’ ‘never,’ etc.



  • gham
    gham New Altair Community Member


    please help me..


  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    hello @gham - so I again suspect that no one responded because no one can quite understand your question. Perhaps you could rephrase AND add your XML process so we can see what you are doing?



  • gham
    gham New Altair Community Member

    I want to preprocess them for sentiment analysis Twitter data
    As I mentioned above
    But I do not know what operators and how to use them?
    For example, how can I remove links in tweets? or remove symbol in tweet?

  • JEdward
    JEdward New Altair Community Member

    It sounds like you should be able to use the operator Replace Tokens to do most of that list. 



  • gham
    gham New Altair Community Member

    I need your help . you're welcome
    How to remove links from tweets. How do I remove "@"?


  • gham
    gham New Altair Community Member

    I want internet links like
    http: // jhghjgjh / jhghjgh
      Delete from texts.
    I do not know which operator to use?
    And I want to
    Prefixes like words
    I want internet links like
    http: // jhghjgjh / jhghjgh
      Delete from texts.
    I do not know which operator to use?
    And I want to
    Prefixes like words
    That word is very
    Have been deleted. But I do not know what the operator does.
    And I will extend the words of the abbreviation to their original. How?
    Please help
    That word is very
    Have been deleted. But I do not know what the operator does.
    And I will extend the words of the abbreviation to their original. How?
    Please help

  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    hello @gham - you're likely going to want to learn how to write "Regular Expressions" (also known as "RegEx") to deal with situations like this. RegEx is a language that will take some time to learn and understand but it is well worth it. Some great resources for you are (1) this book, recommended to me by @Telcontar120 and now sits permanently on my desk, and (2) the website which is the go-to reference for many many people.


    In RapidMiner, you're going to do this by using the Replace Tokens operator (as mentioned above) -> Parameters -> replace dictionary -> click on "Edit List..." -> click on the "RegEx" button as shown below -> typing in your RegEx expression or using one of the pre-made ones.


    Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 9.30.12 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 9.30.19 AM.png Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 9.30.28 AM.png

  • gham
    gham New Altair Community Member

    Thank you very much
    I wrote this to remove the link but the entire text was deleted!
    Please help me master
    Please tell me how should I write
    Do you have a dictionary to remove stop words and root? Do i download Thank you for helping me
    How to write regular expressions to remove the letters?
    Like veeerrryyyyy -> very