Reset RapidMiner Guided Tutorials

I was going through the [built-in] guided tutorials and accidentally performed an Undo...which eliminated the guided tutorials' process. Cannot find any "switch" or menu dropdown selection to restart the guided tutorial (e.g., in Preferences or Help, including the View--> Show Panel location).
The guided tutorial Files are all intact in the Tutorials folder (in Repository)...clicking on any of these files will load the training back into the Process Window, but the Guided tutorial window pane does not reappear.
Perhaps deleting and reinstalling RapidMiner may work...besides trying this, is there another option that I may have missed?
Thank you...much appreciated.
Best Answer
Hi @daryl7,
Welcome at RapidMiner! There is an easy way to get the panel back.
Whenever you start RapidMiner or you open a new process below panel pops up.
Here you can click on LEARN which leads you to the Tutorial section. When you open a process there the Tutorial panel appears.
Hi @daryl7,
Welcome at RapidMiner! There is an easy way to get the panel back.
Whenever you start RapidMiner or you open a new process below panel pops up.
Here you can click on LEARN which leads you to the Tutorial section. When you open a process there the Tutorial panel appears.
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Thank you Edin...very much appreciated.
Your prior solution regarding the Learning Process Window worked...I opened it yesterday, but didn't recognize that it was a Process Window...
Regarding the "Tutorial" selection on View --> Show Panel:
Using current version 8.1.000 (Windows, 64-bit)...the selection View --> Show Panel does not show "Tutorial" on my RapidMiner installation, although, it clearly shows on your installation.
Even if the Training / Tutorial Process Window is shutdown and the View is Reset (View-->Restore Default View), the "Tutorial" selection does not show in Show Panel (partial screen capture below)...
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Hi @daryl7,
I can confirm that the Tutorial Panel is no longer listed there (starting from RapidMiner Studio v8.1).
The manual enabling/disabling it no longer necessary since the panel pops up automatically when you open a Tutorial process.
Happy Mining,