merge dataset
I have two data
The first with columns a1, a2 and a3
The latter with columns a1, a2 and a3
I want columns a1, a2 and a3 to integrate their data together
Does anyone know how?
Hi @ahootanha,
You can use the Append operator.
Here the process :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><process version="8.1.000">
<operator activated="true" class="process" compatibility="8.1.000" expanded="true" name="Process">
<process expanded="true">
<operator activated="true" class="operator_toolbox:create_exampleset_from_doc" compatibility="0.9.000" expanded="true" height="68" name="Create ExampleSet" width="90" x="45" y="85">
<parameter key="Input Csv" value="a1,a2,a3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3"/>
<operator activated="true" class="operator_toolbox:create_exampleset_from_doc" compatibility="0.9.000" expanded="true" height="68" name="Create ExampleSet (2)" width="90" x="45" y="187">
<parameter key="Input Csv" value="a1,a2,a3 4,5,6 4,5,6 4,5,6"/>
<operator activated="true" class="append" compatibility="8.1.000" expanded="true" height="103" name="Append" width="90" x="313" y="85"/>
<connect from_op="Create ExampleSet" from_port="output" to_op="Append" to_port="example set 1"/>
<connect from_op="Create ExampleSet (2)" from_port="output" to_op="Append" to_port="example set 2"/>
<connect from_op="Append" from_port="merged set" to_port="result 1"/>
<portSpacing port="source_input 1" spacing="0"/>
<portSpacing port="sink_result 1" spacing="0"/>
<portSpacing port="sink_result 2" spacing="0"/>
1 -
thank you very much
I do not know where to use these code in my rapidshare program?
Please guide
Send me a screenshot of the implementation of operators
Thanks0 -
thank you very much
I do not know where to use these code in my rapidminer program?Please guide
Send me a screenshot of the implementation of operators
Thanks0 -
Hi @ahootanha,
To load the XML code, I provided, you have to follow this step :
1. Active the XML panel :
2. Copy the XML code, a,d paste it in the XML panel :
3. Click on the "check button"
4. Normally, the process appears in the process window.
I hope it helps,