S-Foundation: Combined Footing

Hari_20934 Altair Community Member
edited May 2024 in Community Q&A


Topic: S-Foundation - Combined footing with eccentric pedestals/base plate.

Can I model one of the pedestal in combined footing with both X & Y offsets?. Please see attached picture, Pedestal P1 is eccentric in X-axis, P2 is eccentric in both X and Y axis, can we model this in S-Foundation with combined footing option?, if not what is the best alternate foundation option?.

Also, I am getting pressure distribution error, see the attached model, what would be the reason?



  • Alejandro_López_Av
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2024

    Hello, Hari,


    Thank you for your question, we have a couple of suggestions for it.

    You can place the pedestals as you want using the Mat Foundation tool, which allows you to define the general shape and the pedestals' placement. We suggest defining your grid first so you can place the pedestals easily by just clicking on the grid.



    As for your second question, you might want to expand your code checks beyond the rigid ones. Adding flexible analysis will capture better behavior



    Let us know how it goes.



    Alejandro Lopez

    Altair Support