create attribute whit increasing number elements such as 1 2 3 . . .

in matlab programing we can easily access and manage data of array types. but in rapidminer i don't know ho can access an manage them . for example b=a(1:10) expresion get 1 to 10 elements of a variable and put them to b variable . very easy accec and creat array . but in rapidminer i don't know how this performed . or i want to craet an attribute with increasing number elements such as 1 2 3 4 5 . . . as attribute elements but i dont know how creat them . can any one help me ?
thanks all .
Best Answers
hello @kmousavi76 - welcome to the community. Have you tried the Generate Univariate Series operator in the Operator Toolbox extension?
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Another solution just for generating this sequence is to use the operator "Generate ID"...
hello @kmousavi76 - welcome to the community. Have you tried the Generate Univariate Series operator in the Operator Toolbox extension?
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Another solution just for generating this sequence is to use the operator "Generate ID"...
1 -
for generating arbitrary sequences we added several operators to the jackhammer extension. This saves the three operator combination "Generate ID" / "Set Role" / "Rename". And if you need it to start at 0 or in different step sizes, this would require a "Generate Attribute" as well.
The Jackhammer Extension has operators to:
Generate Sequence - Creates a sequence attribute with given offset and step size
Generate Group Index - Creates a sequence attribute with given offset and step size that restarts counting when some specifyable attributes change their value. With that you can e.g. number actions in a sequence if you have a multiple sequence data set
Generate Group Sequence - Creates a counter for the group itself
Generate Sequence Data - Creates a new data set just with the sequence of a specifiable size. Very useful for joining in several situations
Just PM me if you want to have the newest version. I think the one on the marketplace still misses the Generate Group INdex.
Sebastian2 -
hi my friends thank all to answering my question .