I want to write a CSV file which includes information like Connector location and component to which weld is done. Please help me in telling how to get this information from connectors and write a CSV file.

I want to write a CSV file which includes information like Connector location and component to which weld is done. Please help me in telling how to get this information from connectors and write a CSV file.
My aim is to get all the information related to mat100 hexa in LsDyna in CSV file, change it to ACM Shell gap, and read in Nastran profile
Hi Jouher,
You can get the location (coordinates) of the connector by hm_ce_detailget command as below:
hm_ce_detailget id tripearray ce_cords
Linked component IDs are obtained as:
hm_ce_getlinkedentities id comps
0 -
I have written this code. Please help me to read this code and create nodes at each coordinaes.
set dir [tk_chooseDirectory \
-initialdir ~ -title 'Choose a directory']
cd $dir
set fp [open '$dir/Connectors_comp.csv' w+]*createmark connectors 1 all
set ce_list [ hm_getmark connectors 1];
puts $fp 'connector id,connector coordinates,linked comps id'foreach CE_L $ce_list {
puts $fp '$CE_L,[hm_ce_getcords $CE_L],[hm_ce_getlinkentities $CE_L comps]'
close $fp0