Text Mining ( Extract keyword from email )

New Altair Community Member
Hi, currently I do my project about text mining. I need a favour to ask a question. How to use [ Filter Tokens by POS tags ].
Because the result that I got after is run is no output about the expression like FW.*|| JJ.* || JJR.* || NN.* || NNS.* and more.
my question is how to use that [ Filter Tokens by POS tags ] in Rapid Miner and after that, it can process chunking and chunking?
Thank you for answering in advance.

Hello @bieha95_nsa - welcome to the community. Can you please post your XML as described in the "Helpful Reminders" pane (you saw it on the right when you wrote your post)? Thanks.
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This knowledge base article on how to share and import the XML of a process here in the community might be useful as well: https://community.rapidminer.com/t5/RapidMiner-Studio-Knowledge-Base/How-can-I-share-processes-without-RapidMiner-Server/ta-p/37047
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