How to export Shape Optimization Result

Turbokraken Altair Community Member
edited July 2021 in Community Q&A

Hello Everyone,

I have set up a fairly simple shape optmization which is working very well so far. I can view the new shapes in HyperView, no problem.

However I would like to use the shape that has been generated in another analysis. So what I would like to do is take the result and export it again as an .fem or something similar. In composite size/FreeSize optimization this is possible by using the FZTOSZ Output options, but I do not know how to do the same thing for a shape optimization.

Is there any option to get the result in a meaningful way, which I can work on further?

Thank you for your help!



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2021

    I assume you're rnning OptiStruct Optimization study, right?


    If so, when you perform the optimization, a .grid file is generated, and it contains the new node coordinates of your model, based on your optimization results.

    You can just import this file over your original model, and check 'FE overwrite' while importing it, so that the grids are updated and then you will have the mesh with the new shape.

    This is valid for shape and free-shape (and topography).