Problems with the order of nodes

Hello I tried to translate elements with options keep original component type and duplicate (please see the picture below)
But I dont know why the order of the node is changed.
Could you please explain me some solutions. I also attached the model file.
Thank you
Altair Forum User said:
But I dont know why the order of the node is changed.
What do you mean 'order of the node'?
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Hi I mean the order of the number of the nodes. Please see my picture two original nodes number is 371 and 497 but after the components are translated the numbers is 1022 and 1020 instead of 935 and 1043.
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Do you have a particular purpose for the order of the nodes.
You can always reorder the nodes in tools.
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi I mean the order of the number of the nodes. Please see my picture two original nodes number is 371 and 497 but after the components are translated the numbers is 1022 and 1020 instead of 935 and 1043.
How do you calculate the numbers 935 & 1043?
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Altair Forum User said:
Do you have a particular purpose for the order of the nodes.
You can always reorder the nodes in tools.
Yes a have a particular purpose. Where can we find the reoder tool?
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Altair Forum User said:
How do you calculate the numbers 935 & 1043?
Hi just know the number of nodes in one circle and after that I calculate base on the number of circles translated
Normally , after translated the order is keep, but I dont know why in this case it does not work correctly.
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You can renumber nodes of one set, one component, assembly,... from a value. But I don't think you can control how the nodes will be numbered within this set, this component,... Try 'Tool' => 'renumber'. For post-processing reason you want control theses numbering?
Instead of working directly with node numbering, you can work with sets for example.
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Thank you Dai
I want to control the node's number because for each circle I will create one gruop set by TCL. So if I know the first and the end nodes of each circle I can create the group node easily
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But there's also another methode to create node sets. For example with 'by face', you need only ONE node & we do not care about numbering.
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Yes @Q.Nguyen-Dai is right.
It will be easier to create node set by using 'by face' function
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Hi with hypermesh it is easy but in TCL when I tried create set by face the command like that
*setvalue sets id=8 ids={nodes 479-586}
So it is necessary to control the order of node number
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use *createmark nodes 'by face' and get node ids first
it's not good to program with detail value of node ids, everytime they should be arguments (variable) instead of values (const). in your code, 8, 479, 586 are const
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Hi Tinh
Could you please explain me more about
'use *createmark nodes 'by face' and get node ids first'
I can not find *createmark nodes 'by face' on help!
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you don't need to mark it by face
after duplicated elems, find nodes by *findmark command and provide that node list to set
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Thank you tinh
In my case, I have to create one node set for each circle or half circle.
Could you please give some explain for this case?
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before writing tcl, how will you do it in hm gui?
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As your advice, before writing tcl I will create node sets by face. But I can not find the command to do this in TCL
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so *appendmark nodes 1 'by face'
can do it
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Thank you for helping me. I have just created my tcl file and it works.
In my opinion if we can master how how the nodes will be numbered in HM it will be very helpful.
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i think node numbering when duplicate elems with n nodes will be: new_number = old_number+n
But i am not sure, i just predict basing on programming flow.
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Altair Forum User said:
Thank you for helping me. I have just created my tcl file and it works.
In my opinion if we can master how how the nodes will be numbered in HM it will be very helpful.
Working directly with node/elems numbering maybe is not a good idea by the sense of numerical method.
You have already some tools like set/group for this.