How to calculate Difference between time intervals?
Hello all,
Is there a way to caliculate the time difference between two intervals in rapid miner?
For example,
I have two columns in my dataset named ADMISSION_DATE and DISCHARGE_DATE. I want to know the difference between those two dates in number of days.
Admission_date Discharge_time
JAN 14 2017 JAN 18 2017
I need to have an other column like this
Thanks in advance.
Best Answer
Yes, use a Generate Attributes operator and the date_diff function. Just make sure that RapidMiner has those dates in the date-time format.
Yes, use a Generate Attributes operator and the date_diff function. Just make sure that RapidMiner has those dates in the date-time format.
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Note that the default unit for date difference is in milliseconds. So if you want it in days you will need to divide by the appropriate conversion factor.