How to define a coordinate axis that moves with the element
I want to see how much is the displacement with respect the normal of an element its self. For it I would like to define a coordinate sistem that moves with the movement of the element.
It is a measuring element (dial gauge), so the elongation of the element is not exactly what I want to know. I want to se how much it desplaces, does not have to do with the properties of the body.
Hi Maialen,
I am not sure what exactly you want to measure, but it seems like something you can do in HyperView with post-processing of /ANIM or /H3D files. You can try in Results Ribbon, the Query Group, Plots module and plot the displacement of specific nodes.
If you want a Time History file (TH) you can try the /TH/NODE format and set a relative moving frame.
Finally, you can try to add a specific spring element (TYPE8) with almost zero stiffness and a local frame to capture the exact middle with respect to deformation of your original element.
I think that some of these ways will cover your exact request!