Best Answer
Just in case you use the Web App HTML5 Charts:
You can set the separators for thousands and decimals in the Highcharts lang settings (see screenshot)
An example would be {decimalPoint: ',', thousandsSep: '.'} for the German convention.
In order to display the thousands separator you need to include a comma in the Tooltip Body settings
point.y:.2f (old) versus point.y:,.2f (new)
The number 2 reflects the number of decimals which shall be displayed
Best regards,
Are you using the old flash charts or the newer HTML5 charts? You might have to do the formating on the RapidMiner Studio process side first.
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Just in case you use the Web App HTML5 Charts:
You can set the separators for thousands and decimals in the Highcharts lang settings (see screenshot)
An example would be {decimalPoint: ',', thousandsSep: '.'} for the German convention.
In order to display the thousands separator you need to include a comma in the Tooltip Body settings
point.y:.2f (old) versus point.y:,.2f (new)
The number 2 reflects the number of decimals which shall be displayed
Best regards,