Predicting project continuity based on variables -

lukasbarth New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

Hi RapidMiner community! I'm a new user and am having difficulties with my first analysis.


I have a data set with lots of projects with different (about 15) numerical ratings from 1->5. I also know whether this project is successful or not. I would like to use RapidMiner to compare the projects and find which ratings are the most important ones for succesful projects.

To do this, I'm using a Decision Tree operator and setting the target role of the variable Success (0 or 1) as label.


However, when I try to run it I get the error that "Decision tree does not have sufficient capabilities for the given data set: numerical label is not supported". Please refer to the screenshots for more info.


Should I use a different operator? If not, what am I doing wrong?


I greatly appreciate your advice! 


Best Answer

  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi Lukas!

    Welcome to the community.


    The standard RM Decision Tree does indeed not support numerical labels. You can either use another algorithm like GBT or simply "cast" your numerical 0 and 1 into Nominals. This can be done with on various ways. E.g. a Generate attribute with the str() function. 




  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi Lukas!

    Welcome to the community.


    The standard RM Decision Tree does indeed not support numerical labels. You can either use another algorithm like GBT or simply "cast" your numerical 0 and 1 into Nominals. This can be done with on various ways. E.g. a Generate attribute with the str() function. 



  • Telcontar120
    Telcontar120 New Altair Community Member

    If you already have a success label defined as a 0/1 numerical attribute, then probably the easiest way to convert that is to use the "numerical to binominal" operator.  Make sure you check "include special attributes" and select your label variable.  You can set min to 0 and max to any number less than 1 and it will convert your 0/1 number into a false/true binominal variable in one easy step.


  • lukasbarth
    lukasbarth New Altair Community Member

    Thanks for your advice! It worked.