Report / Report Generator for Tree output

I'm trying to generate a report of a GBT model, including the plot of one of the trees and perhaps the text-based tree itself. I'm failing miserably.
Including the screen shot of my main process and cross-validation process. I have created the report generator. I tried sending the model directly from the x-validation operator, as well as 'storing' the model and then 'retreiveing' the model and sending the output of retrieve to the report generator operator. The retrieve method solves the issue demonstrated in the main process screenshot, but neither method (output from xval or retrieve operator) works to generate a proper report with output. I just get the default Rapidminer HTML page with no data / tables, etc..
I have made sure the report name is the same in both report / generate report, and that valid paths are given for output. Report is set to (Reportably Type) GPT Model and gbt_renderer (reportable view).
Any ideas?
This might be related to a compatibility issue. The Reporting extension hasn't been updated in ages and might not be able to work well with the new algos. Can you try it with another, more simplier learner, like a K-nn? Just to test out?
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@Thomas_Ott I can confirm that the reporting extension operators are still working in 7.3, at least for simpler/older outputs. I just reran a process I wrote in September before the switch to version 7.3 and it still works fine. But my process only outputs simple plots (bar graphs and such) and does not interact with any of the newer operators or more exotic output types like models or trees. So it may indeed be a compatibility issue with some of the newer operators. Probably that extension should be udpated!