How does collaboration with RM Server work?

I know this sounds stupid, but I have now installed rapidminer server and created a repository in RM Studio for RM_Server.. can someone now explain to me what the advantage of the Server repository is? How can I collaborate with another person in that repository? I mean he has not the link / or access to my database or RapidMiner Server?
sorry but I guess I'm missing something totally here... Is there a doc how this works in detail somewhere?
No worries - this is not stupid at all. The idea behind the collaboration aspect of the Server is very close to how you could have private and shared folders on a shared network device or also in the cloud, e.g. with Dropbox. This means that you can have some private areas where you can store data and processes nobody else can see and some public areas where all members of a specified group can see or even change the things inside.
After you have setup a connection to the Server (which will become your new remote repository), you will find several folders in this repository like "home" or "groups". In "Home", you will find a folder for each user. Those are the users' private areas where only they can see what is inside and make changes there. But you can also give people permissions to access contents of your home folder if you choose to do so. More about permissions below.
The "Groups" folders are meant as semi-public collabarotion spaces where multiple users (all from the same group) can work on the same data, models, and processes. The admin user can also create additional collaboration folders on the Server repository and give access rights to those.
There is more information about how to work with remote repositories in the following two materials:
So now over to permissions. Permissions are granted on a per-group basis. One or several users can be in a group together and you can give groups access to read or edit files or folders. More about the user-based permissions and how to manage users and groups can be found here:
- starting around minute 3:00
In general, the following video series (although a bit outdated) is a great resource to learn how to work with RapidMiner Server:
Storing Data and Executing Remote Processes:
Advanced Scheduling:
Exposing Processes as Web Services:
Simple Reports:
Interactive Reports:
- Using Views:
- Report Actions:
- Style Bundles:
File Objects and POSTing to Web Services:
I know this is a lot of material but I think this stuff will really help you on your journey.
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we have also just added additional tutorials covering the questions below ( They won't help you when it comes to settings up user management - we still need to create one for that
- but you can take a look at how to connect to Server from Studio (see: "Synergizing RapidMiner Studio and Server") and some of the great featuers of server (see: "An Introduction to RapidMiner Server").
Hope this helps! Knut
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ok but still one more question...
to access the RM Server, I currently type in localhost:8080, but how can I or some other member access my server repository from another place? it doesn't work with localhost of course... so there must be a common public IP Adress (Web?) to get access to.. how do I configure this and set the new IP adress up for access on web with RM Server?
and do I need a webhoster or webserver like Apache for this?
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You can also use your IP address for this, like in If you are on a Windows machine, you can use the command "ipconfig" on the command line to find out your IP address. Keep in mind that firewalls might prevent you to access this machine at the specified port which might require to change the firewall settings (or the port).
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ok but what if my friend wants to get access and use my RapidMiner Server repository, is he also entering localhost or ?
edit: ok I guess its "change hostname settings" here:
but if I want to get access to my server, that should be publicly accessible from any location, I have to use a webserver, isn't it? or some public server or web IP Adress on which my server runs, is that true??
I probably cannot use my home-PC if I don'T have a public IP-Adress? or some public server or web IP Adress on which my server runs, is that true? can someone recommend me a server hosting website that can host rapidminer Server on it?
edit2: Its probably only possible to publish processes as services, and get a public url to the process, is that true?
can someone clarify on all that?
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Yes, your friend would need access to the network your machine is running on and vice versa. The "" address range is only usable for local networks and not for public access in any case but this just as a side comment.
Sounds like the best solution would be to indeed install RM Server on a public server, I would recommend for example Amazon AWS for that but there are tons of options and Amazon might not be the easiest one.
I made a quick Google search and maybe the following links help you (some of them actually from community portal :smileyvery-happy:):
The alternative might be to run this on a local machine and using some dynamic DNS service like this one here: This is typically a bit shaky though and I would not recommend this for anything critical.
On the published web services for processes: Yes, this is possible. It is even possible to remove the need for authenitication for such a web service so that you do not need to login to access such a web service. More information about this can be found in our documentation around the special user "anonymous" here: