"Data Mining - Own algorithm implementation"

sutha New Altair Community Member
edited 2024 05 in Community Q&A

 I am using rapidminer for the past two months for my research work. I just want to know can I write my own code to add a new operator, if yes , please guide me how to do it. Then explain about "My Experiment " in rapidminer

Thank you,

Sutha Priscilla


  • MariusHelf
    MariusHelf New Altair Community Member
    Hi Sutha,

    please have a look at "How to extend RapidMiner" here: http://docs.rapidminer.com/resources/

    You basically would create an extension (i.e., a plugin) written in Java.

    If you rather prefer to use Python or R, you can install the respective extensions from the RapidMiner Marketplace. They provide operators that allow you to integrate arbitrary R or Python script into your processes.

    Best regards,
    ~Marius Helf