Showing spring reaction force as vector in Radioss

Hello, I have a suspension arm with a ball joint modeled in Radioss. My ball joint is modeled as a beam element connected to a zero length SPRING2N with very high translation rigidity and 0 torsional rigidity.
I would like to be able to show the reaction force acting in my SPRING2N as a vector to appreciated visually and in one glance its orientation in space. I can use an output block /TH/SPRING to plot the magnitude but this does not provide the orientation. I tried /ANIM/VECT but none of the options seem to offer what I am looking for. I also tried /ANIM/SPRING/FORC, but I can't find 'where' this result is plotted (vector, contour?). Any help on how I can do what I want? Thanks
Found out how to retrieve the /ANIM/SPRING/FORC in the contour tab. But I can't plot it as a vector so my question still stands!
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Please try with /ANIM/VECT/FINT and /ANIM/VECT/FEXT cards in the engine file.
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Hello, I tried those two options already (/ANIM/VECT/FINT and /ANIM/VECT/FEXT), and they do not seem to output what I am looking for. To be honest, I don't fully understand what these options output exactly.
But I do know that they do not have the correct order of magnitude nor orientation at the node/element I am interested in. /FINT gives me order of magnitude of 10N force and /FEXT gives me 10e-6N where from my /TH/SPRING I know I am looking for 10e4N force.
Any other option?