"How import list of Tags from CSV file"

Taita New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi, I'm a newbie on this forum. I read the excellent book Predictive Analytics and Data Mining: Concepts and Practice with RapidMiner
by  Vijay Kotu and Bala Deshpande.I've already done some easy excersis with small datasets, but recently received a bigger interesting CSV dataset I want to use for datamining. The set consists of a limited number of attributes I can import with the wizard. The most interesting attribute is a list of Tags that describe the datapoints. This attribute now is text and has the format ['AAA','BBB','CCC'......n]. The number of Tags differs per datapoint. To start using this Tags I need to convert them to a usable format. I was thinking of a separate attribute for AAA, BBB, etc with a binominal format. I tried to find a usable proces in Rapidminer but couldn't find it. Can you please help me with this challenge?


  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    I am not sure if i get your problem,

    but have you tried split?
  • Taita
    Taita New Altair Community Member
    Split in the unordered split mode is exactly doing what I want. Thanks a lot  :)