"naive bayes algorithm"

Raman New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hello Sir,
I am Research Scholar. I m pursuing my master degree and my thesis topic is Sentiment Analysis of reviews using naive bayes algorithm by Rapidminer. Can you provide me Naive Bayes algorithm???  I need it for my research.
My email id is ramandeepsharma092@gmail.com


  • Raman
    Raman New Altair Community Member
    In my project, i have classified reviews by using naive bayes algorithm in Rapidminer and in my thesis, i have to improve that technique( improve or enhance naive bayes algorithm) to get better results and increase its accuracy.
    or can you provide me any other alternative ?
  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    Linear SVM with optimized C?
  • Raman
    Raman New Altair Community Member
    Linear SVM classifier is already choosen by another research scholar in my college. Can you give me any idea how can i improve or change naive bayes algorithm to increase the accuracy ???
  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    oh, the trick is not the best algorithm. The trick is do to good feature engeneering.

    How did you to your preprocessing?
  • Raman
    Raman New Altair Community Member
    first of all, i have done tokenisation, then filter stopwords, filter tokens, stem (Porter), and then tranform cases.
  • Raman
    Raman New Altair Community Member
    hello sir...,
    what should i do next ?
  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    have you tried n-gram? Might be very useful for a naive bayes. This way you can incoperate correlation efeects.

    What if you try to optimize different options in your prep?