[SOLVED] Which RapidMiner Web service could be used to integerate with C#
New Altair Community Member
I am doing k-means clustering in rapidminer. I have made a desktop application c sharp and now want to integrate rapidminer process with C# application.
so that my form data goes to rapidminer process with clustering model and gives clustering results on that desktop application.
I am a newbie i really need to know which web service will be used and where to find that web service that can be used to do what I have mentioned above.
any help would be greatly appreciated..
I am doing k-means clustering in rapidminer. I have made a desktop application c sharp and now want to integrate rapidminer process with C# application.
so that my form data goes to rapidminer process with clustering model and gives clustering results on that desktop application.
I am a newbie i really need to know which web service will be used and where to find that web service that can be used to do what I have mentioned above.
any help would be greatly appreciated..
Our RapidAnalytics Server (the server pendant to RapidMiner) can export the results of processes as a webservice.
The community edition is available on our website.
Please note that RapidAnalytics, as well as RapidMiner, are released under the AGPL license, which means that your C# program must be released under a compatible license.
Best regards,