Grid mesh Automation
I have a script for grid mesh Automation.
We need x value, y value, and face for doing the grid mesh.
As for face, I am creating a group for faces and I am using GetEntitesFromGroup command to get a list of faces and I am looping through each face in the list for doing the grid mesh. I have fixed X = 1 and Y = 2 in the script so all faces will get meshed with same parameters.
But the problem with the script is that the same X=1 and Y=2 cannot be used for all face groups.
Is there a way I can prompt the user to input x and y parameters so that I can use those values in script?
Best Answer
Hi Mr. Bharath,
You can use pauseprocess script to do this operation.
Please refer to the script utilities in SimLab Help. With that script, you can pause the process at the time of grid mesh, and type the inputs for grid mesh and press ok, which will continue the script.
I have added a sample script which is also available in the script utilities.
Hi Mr. Bharath,
You can use pauseprocess script to do this operation.
Please refer to the script utilities in SimLab Help. With that script, you can pause the process at the time of grid mesh, and type the inputs for grid mesh and press ok, which will continue the script.
I have added a sample script which is also available in the script utilities.