Poor image recognition performance - suggestions appreciated!
New Altair Community Member
I have created a process that uses a neural network (NN) to evaluate images. The images are from network cameras and I want the NN to classify the images into two groups: images in which people and/or vehicles appear or images in which people and/or vehicles do not appear. (The process then emails me whenever it finds an image in which people or vehicles appear.) I'm using the ImageMiner-1.4.1 extension. I am getting poor performance from my model and I assume it is because I am not really extracting the best features from the images so that the NN can make accurate classifications. I would appreciate it if anyone who is familiar with the ImageMiner-1.4.1 extension could give me some suggestions as to the types of features I should be using for this kind of task (and any other suggestions that might be helpful).
(In case anyone is wondering what I mean by poor performance. I've used cross-validation and my best performance is a precision of 86% [not too bad] and accuracy of 27% [ugh!!]. The model performs much worse than this when applied against other unlabeled images. I also tried using the "similarity" operator (provided by the ImageMiner-1.4.1 extension and it gave me FABULOUS performance on cross-validation (100% precision and 100% accuracy) - but then when I actually used it against more unlabeled images, it failed miserably. It only identified about 30% correctly.)
Thanks in advance.
(In case anyone is wondering what I mean by poor performance. I've used cross-validation and my best performance is a precision of 86% [not too bad] and accuracy of 27% [ugh!!]. The model performs much worse than this when applied against other unlabeled images. I also tried using the "similarity" operator (provided by the ImageMiner-1.4.1 extension and it gave me FABULOUS performance on cross-validation (100% precision and 100% accuracy) - but then when I actually used it against more unlabeled images, it failed miserably. It only identified about 30% correctly.)
Thanks in advance.
try it first with global features:
You can experiment with edge detection, gaussian blur and other filters...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<process version="5.3.000">
<operator activated="true" class="process" compatibility="5.3.000" expanded="true" name="Process">
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<operator activated="true" class="imageprocessing:multiple_color_image_opener" compatibility="1.3.003" expanded="true" height="60" name="MCIO" width="90" x="380" y="30">
<list key="images">
<parameter key="true" value="D:\store\categorization\nature"/>
<parameter key="false" value="D:\store\categorization\urban"/>
<parameter key="assign_label" value="true"/>
<process expanded="true" height="702" width="1221">
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<connect from_port="color image plus 6" to_op="ClrToGS (3)" to_port="color image plus"/>
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<portSpacing port="source_color image plus 4" spacing="0"/>
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<portSpacing port="sink_feature 8" spacing="0"/>
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