[solved] Can I pass locations of data files via command line?

Dominic New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi everyone,

I was wondering whether I can pass multiple arguments to RapidMiner via command line. That is, besides the process to be executed, I would like to pass for example names of .csv files that contain the data the process will operate on. Is this possible?

If so, how do I access the passed filenames from inside the process?

Thanks in advance,


  • Skirzynski
    Skirzynski New Altair Community Member

    as far as i know there is no such way. For my diploma thesis i took the source code and wrote a mechanism where you can pass macros to the process through the command line. These macros can be used in the process as filename for example. If you like to program and need this feature right now: try this approach!

    I will see if i can push my patch to the trunk in the source code.

  • Dominic
    Dominic New Altair Community Member
    Thanks, guess I'll just work around that for now.
    Marcin wrote:

    I will see if i can push my patch to the trunk in the source code.
    Great, so one of the next releases will support your macro-based approach? Can you post back here, when it has been included?
  • Skirzynski
    Skirzynski New Altair Community Member
    Yes, it should be on sourceforge today (or not later than this weekend) and in the next release. If you need it right now i can provide you a patch file.

  • Skirzynski
    Skirzynski New Altair Community Member
    I have added "the feature" a few seconds ago to the trunk of RapidMiner. It is already synchronized with sourceforge, so you can checkout the source, build it with "ant createJar" and use it like this (if you use Linux, but Windows works like this as well):
    ./script/rapidminer //YourRepository/home/test/myProcess -Mname1=value "-Mname2=value with spaces"
    This will pass two macros to RapidMiner with the name "name1" and "name2" which you can use in a process with %{name1} for example.

    The next release which will include this will be next week if anything works out or the week after next.
  • Dominic
    Dominic New Altair Community Member
    Thanks very much, looks like it will do exactly what I was looking for.