Running experiment offline (skipping the GUI)

sskwek New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
I have generated a bunch of workflow (.aml and .properties files). Is there a way to run them from command line without having to open the files in the GUI?


  • MariusHelf
    MariusHelf New Altair Community Member

    in the scripts folder in the RapidMiner installation directory there is a script which you can use to start RapidMiner without the GUI. Depending on your operating system it's rapidminer (for Linux; you need to issue "chmod +x" on it before executing it) or rapidminer.bat (on windows).

    To execute a process, simply issue
    rapidminer //NewLocalRepository/path/to/process/as/seen/in/RapidMinerGUI
    Substitute "NewLocalRepository" by the name of your repository in RapidMiner.

    A longish, but more detailed discussion can be found here:,5064.0.html

    Best, Marius