DBSCAN results

New Altair Community Member
as far as I understood DBSCAN, there should be core points, border points and noise.
I wonder how to identify the borderpoints in the results tab.? I refer to the explanation found here: http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~kumar/dmbook/ch8.pdf
Any help on that?
Maybe I am wrong but it seems to me that not in all cases the Cluster_0 is filled with noise.
I just quick checked with R [fpc package] an easy example where NO noise should occur.
However the cluster_0 is existent in rapidminer. I guess its a valid cluster result rather than noise.
as far as I understood DBSCAN, there should be core points, border points and noise.
I wonder how to identify the borderpoints in the results tab.? I refer to the explanation found here: http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~kumar/dmbook/ch8.pdf
Any help on that?
Maybe I am wrong but it seems to me that not in all cases the Cluster_0 is filled with noise.
I just quick checked with R [fpc package] an easy example where NO noise should occur.
However the cluster_0 is existent in rapidminer. I guess its a valid cluster result rather than noise.
100 455 185 98 450 100 95 465 180 80 428 90 85 432 170 82 440 110 75 380 20 72 390 25 76 375 85 72 395 30 93 435 80 78 438 160 |
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