problem after update to rm 5.2.2.

greyhound New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

after updating rm to 5.2.2 operator READ CSV does not work any more:

"Caught exception in current execution of Read CSV java.util.ConcurrentModificationException"

The same csv works still perfect on not-updatet rm

Does anybody know something about this problem?

Thanks for help


  • IngoRM
    IngoRM New Altair Community Member

    nope, I did not have any problems. I tried both, reading a data set where the operator has been configured with an older version and using the wizard to import a fresh one. Both processes worked like a charm. Maybe someone else?

    (I move this thread into the Problems & Support, probably the developers will work on this quicker then...)

  • Nils_Woehler
    Nils_Woehler New Altair Community Member
    Hi greyhound,

    can you please post a short example process that shows how to reproduce the error? All our test of the Read CSV operator work fine though..

  • greyhound
    greyhound New Altair Community Member
    Thank you for the express-answer. I found new about it:
    the error message occurs only when I choose DATETIME
    as ID in the operator READ CSV as I used to do till the update.
    Now it works only if I leave it in READ CSV as "attribute"
    and insert an additional SET ROLE behind. Here  I select DATETIME
    as ID  -> the process runs great.
    Thus its fine for me, but its a new behavior after the update.

  • Nils_Woehler
    Nils_Woehler New Altair Community Member
    I can reproduce the error. We will have a look at this. Thanks for notifying us!
  • Darrell
    Darrell New Altair Community Member
    I received the same error after the most recent update... since all of my processes require reading csv files, I'm looking to rollback to the previous build until the bug is fixed.  Despite the new bug, kudos again to the RapidMiner team for their great product!
  • Darrell
    Darrell New Altair Community Member
    After a couple of tests the problem appears to be caused by READ CSV data types function.  As an example, the previous code snippet worked in previous builds:
    <list key="data_set_meta_data_information">
    <parameter key="0" value="Instrument.true.text.batch"/>
    <parameter key="1" value=""/>
    <parameter key="2" value="Att01.true.real.attribute"/>
    <parameter key="3" value="Att02.true.real.attribute"/>
    <parameter key="4" value="Att03.true.real.attribute"/>
    <parameter key="5" value="Att04.true.real.attribute"/>
    <parameter key="6" value="label.true.binominal.label"/>
    However, the latest build requires changing batch or id data types to attributes before the process will execute, i.e.
    <list key="data_set_meta_data_information">
    <parameter key="0" value="Instrument.true.text.attribute"/>
    <parameter key="1" value="jDate.true.real.attribute"/>
    <parameter key="2" value="Att01.true.real.attribute"/>
    <parameter key="3" value="Att02.true.real.attribute"/>
    <parameter key="4" value="Att03.true.real.attribute"/>
    <parameter key="5" value="Att04.true.real.attribute"/>
    <parameter key="6" value="label.true.binominal.label"/>
    As was previosuly mentioned, you can use the "SET ROLE" function to convert the data types later, but I previously rewrote all my processes to avoid using the SET ROLE function when I transitioned to v. 5.2.000.  Importing the data types directly, as before, I think was much more efficienct than using the "SET ROLE" function, and it created more compact code.

    Since "READ CSV" worked correctly in the previous build, I'm confident the RapidMiner team will quickly recitfy this problem; therefore, I prefer not having to recode all my processes.  In the meantime, if anyone has similar processes that utilize the READ CSV function to import data and set the data types, you may want to delay updating to version 5.2.002.
  • Nils_Woehler
    Nils_Woehler New Altair Community Member
    Hi Darrrell,

    we have fixed it in the current SVN version and will release a new version soon that will fix this bug.

  • Darrell
    Darrell New Altair Community Member
    Looking forward to the update... and as I stated before, thanks again for providing such a great product!