"[SOLVED] Wordnet rapidminer extension exception"

dxhura New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hello Everybody!

I am writing a Wordnet extension for rapidminer which eliminates synonyms. I managed to integrate it in Rapidminer, but I am having a strange exception that says:

WARNING: Caught exception in concurrent execution of Stem Synonyms (Stem Synonyms): java.lang.ClassCastException: com.rapidminer.operator.text.Document cannot be cast to com.rapidminer.operator.text.Document

Can anyone help with this?


  • MariusHelf
    MariusHelf New Altair Community Member
    Did you enable "parallelize something" anywhere in the process for any operator? RapidMiner sometimes has some hicc-ups with parallelization. Btw, we are planning to release a WordNet extension ourself soon.

  • dxhura
    dxhura New Altair Community Member
    I had 'parallelize_vector_creation' set to true! And this was the only one parallelize  i found in the XML file of the process.
    I set it to false but still the exception happened.
  • IngoRM
    IngoRM New Altair Community Member

    I had this error before myself and parallelization was not the reason. As far as I remember, the reason was that each extension uses an own class loader and hence there might be a scenario where two classes Document exist, one loaded by each class loader (one of the text extension, one for your extension if you extend Document for example).

    I am not 100% sure but it could be that the solution is to use the dependency mechanism, so you could define that your extension depends on the text extension in the manifest.

  • dxhura
    dxhura New Altair Community Member
    I did the following as you suggested:

    <property name="extension.dependencies" value="rmx_text[5.1]" />

    Sadly it did not work either! Any further suggestions?!


  • StaryVena
    StaryVena New Altair Community Member
    dxhura wrote:

    I did the following as you suggested:

    <property name="extension.dependencies" value="rmx_text[5.1]" />

    Sadly it did not work either! Any further suggestions?!

    and what is you project setup? I think that you should have no jar file with text extension in your lib folder. Because than it is included in your jar extension and thats problem.

  • dxhura
    dxhura New Altair Community Member

    Problem fixed!
    Thank you!