How to define hyperstudy parameters such as 'Thickness' and 'Ply orientation'

Abdul Muizz Jamal
Abdul Muizz Jamal Altair Community Member
edited September 2021 in Community Q&A

Hi! I have completed the composite analysis for my model and performed 'ply-based modeling'. Now I want to perform hyperstudy for the same model but when the window pops up to defined model parameters, there is only a 'material' tab. I want 'Thickness' and 'Ply-orientation as well.



Please help!!


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2021

    Is your model a OptiStruct model?


    the embed HM - Hst interface does not support all your model data directly.


    You could do 2 things:

    - in your model, create a 'parameter' and assign the parameter to your properties and/or material values you want to change. Then, once you launch this window again (coupling with HSt), you parameters will appear on the list.

    - dirty way, is instead of coupling with HM directly, you can work with template files, meaining working directly in the solver deck file (text file) as shown by some tutorials.