"Problems with Windowing-Operator under WIN 7/64Bit Rapid-Version 5.1.14"
New Altair Community Member
The Windowing-Operator doesn't seem to work under the latest version 5.14 under WIN7 (64). The simple sequence Read Excel - Set Role -Windowing finishes now with the advice "The parameter window_size specifies a window size, but the value 5 exceeds the example set size" without any reference to the input. For detailed description of the failure see bugzilla #915/#740.
I'm wondering that nobody else get struggled with this features
Any advice ?
with regards
I'm wondering that nobody else get struggled with this features
Any advice ?
with regards
I am having a problem also with the windowing operator.. I have win7/64bit also... i receive and error saying "cannot reset network to smaller learning rate"..
maybe this helps someone with you're problem.
ryland0 -
Thanks for your reply, RylandMathews.
In Bugzilla the same error is reported for MAC OS, it seems to be a heavy bug !
All works fine under XP 32Bit and earlier versions of RM.
Unbelievable that such a important operator for TS is suspended for such a long time.
best regards
raymond0 -
Hi, in the bug report it seems that the error occurs in Read Excel, not in Windowing. Can you confirm that (e.g. by removing the Windowing operator and checking if the error still occurs)?
Best regards,