"anomaly detection method"

New Altair Community Member
I want to generate event based dataset anybody know any tool or simulation software that produce event based data set.
I want to test generated data set from any suitable anomaly detection method anybody tell me which anomaly detection method is suitbale for given below problem:
Event1 start 9:00 take 3 minute finsh 9:03
Event 2 start 9:05 take 15 minute finsh 9:20
Event 3 start 9:30 take 30 minute finsh 10:00 and so on
The anomaly could be on missing of event, swaping of event etc.
I want to generate event based dataset anybody know any tool or simulation software that produce event based data set.
I want to test generated data set from any suitable anomaly detection method anybody tell me which anomaly detection method is suitbale for given below problem:
Event1 start 9:00 take 3 minute finsh 9:03
Event 2 start 9:05 take 15 minute finsh 9:20
Event 3 start 9:30 take 30 minute finsh 10:00 and so on
The anomaly could be on missing of event, swaping of event etc.
Not sure if this could help you. Yahoo Pipes has some tools for building custom "Pipes" that can report on definable criteria. http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/ For example "Yahoo Stock Notifier
Gives stock quotes from Yahoo Finance. Also notifies you when stock reaches a certain point."
Pipe Web Address: http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=19960a3d05d4bf74703646a11f755be80