Multispectral Image classification using Classification and Regression Trees

Suresh New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

I'm new to rapid miner and novice in data mining. My objective is to automatically extract the land use land cover features (Water bodies, Built-up, trees etc.) from the satellite imagery (Worldview-2). I've installed rapid miner with Image processing extension. Can anyone help with the following questions please?
1) Is there any tutorial or help documentation available specific to satellite image processing?
2) How can I use Tiff files as input? (I understand Jpg and png are supported)
3) How can I use CART (classifiaction and regression trees) on images using Rapid miner.
4) Is there any developed workflow?
Appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance...


  • radone
    radone New Altair Community Member
    Hello Suresh,

    to work with images in RapdiMiner you can check this presentation ( to get better idea about the most significant features of image extension.
    1) Unfortunately there is no documentation specific to satellite image processing available. The extension is quite new and
    2) Tiff images are not currently supported by the extension. you can convert the data to a supported format or contact developers of the extension to add this support
    3) You can extract features from images and then you can work with the data as is quite common in RapidMiner.
    4) Currently the set of examples how to use IMMI is being prepared

    If you would also need a professional consultancy you can request it on authors' website

  • Suresh
    Suresh New Altair Community Member
    Thank you Radone.

    The presentation is really helpful.
    Can you please give some more information on point 3 ( You can extract features from images and then you can work with the data as is quite common in RapidMiner)

  • radone
    radone New Altair Community Member
    Could you please be more concrete. What problem are you dealing with?
    I hope soon some use-case examples will be available. Please check the site:

    Documentation for several operators can be found here:

  • nihla
    nihla New Altair Community Member
    Hey Suresh,

    could you solve your problem? As I have the same questions!!
    My task is to find the right trasholds for a classification of a multispactral image.

    Thus especially the point: "(You can extract features from images and then you can work with the data as is quite common in RapidMiner)" i´m really interested in.

  • radone
    radone New Altair Community Member
    Hi nihla,

    some examples how to extract information you can find here:

    Also at this site are several examples:

  • radone
    radone New Altair Community Member
    Please note that several video tutorials how to use IMMI were recently placed on this website:
  • Keyvan
    Keyvan New Altair Community Member
    edited January 2020
    Thanks for your tips Radone, but the the link above does not work for me, please send me the ppt file